Author : Kumar R,
Education : Msc IT,
Profession : Director – Learning & Development, The Kanavu School of English, Sivagiri.
Date : 14.03.2023
An introduction to English:
The English language has its roots originated from West Germanic people. Over 1.5 billion people worldwide speak English as a first, second, or foreign language. English is the most widely spoken language in the United Kingdom, Oceania, Canada, and North and South America. It is an official language in several other countries, including India, Pakistan, and Singapore.
English has a rich history and has undergone many changes over the centuries. It originated from a group of Germanic tribes who spoke various dialects that eventually evolved into Old English from the 5th to the 11th century. Old English was a highly transformed language, meaning words changed their form depending on their grammatical role in a sentence. Latin had a significant impact on the language because it was the language of the Roman Empire and the Catholic Church.
The Middle English language underwent significant changes following the Norman Conquest in 1066. During that time, the Normans invaded England, bringing a variety of French terms with them. This period saw the development of a more standardized form of English, known as Middle English, which was spoken throughout England and was used in literature and official documents.
Changes in the English language.
The Great Vowel Shift resulted in additional language changes during the Early Modern English era, from the 1600s to the 1700s. This was a series of changes to how vowel sounds were pronounced. This period also introduced many new words and phrases from other languages, particularly Latin and Greek, due to the Renaissance and the expansion of trade and exploration.
Today, English is spoken in various dialects and accents worldwide, each with unique characteristics. In addition to standard English, the language taught in schools and used in formal settings, there are many regional and cultural variations of the English language. It includes British English, American English, Australian English, and Caribbean English, to name a few.
Learning English:
Despite its many variations, English is considered a global language because it is widely spoken and understood worldwide. It is a common language in international business, science, and technology, and it is the primary language of the internet, with over half of all web content being in English.
In conclusion, the history of the English language is extensive and intricate. It has changed as a result of numerous influences. Today, it is spoken by a diverse group of people worldwide. It is considered a global language due to its widespread use in business, science, and technology.
Learning English requires mastery of listening, reading, and writing skills. Studying English as a second language can be difficult and rewarding. The most significant number of people speak this language. It is often referred to as the global language of business, so it is an important skill to have in many fields.
Five Hacks to learn English:
Here are five hacks that may be helpful for you in the English language learning journey:
Practice regularly: Language acquisition requires consistency to be successful. Even a small amount of English practice each day can significantly impact your progress. Make it a habit to practice daily, even for a few minutes. Being consistent will help you achieve your linguistic objectives more swiftly and easily.
Immerse yourself in the language: Immerse yourself in the language as much as possible to improve your English skills. This can be accomplished through watching movies and TV shows in English, listening to English music, and practising as much as possible with native or good English speakers.
Use resources like flashcards and apps: Learning English can be made more effective by utilizing various approaches and resources. Flashcards and language learning apps are two examples of useful aids for honing vocabulary and grammar skills.
Take advantage of online resources: In the internet age, numerous websites and online forums are dedicated to assisting English language learners. These tools provide an excellent opportunity to communicate with other students, receive feedback on your progress, and gain access to extracurricular learning materials.
Don’t be afraid to make mistakes: Making mistakes is a common part of learning a language; therefore, viewing these blunders as valuable learning opportunities is crucial. It is necessary to experiment and take risks in order to progress, even if doing so occasionally results in failure. Finally, failure is unavoidable in the journey to mastery and should not be feared.