Author : Kumar R,
Education : Msc IT,
Profession : Director – Learning & Development, The Kanavu School of English, Sivagiri.
Date : 12.04.2023
An overview of English:
In this article, English language experts explain the challenges faced by students learning English.
As the world becomes increasingly globalised, the importance of being able to communicate in multiple languages is growing. English, in particular, has become the de facto global language, with millions of people worldwide studying it as a second language.
We wanted to track down more about the experiences and challenges that come with learning English as a second language, so we asked a few experts who specialise in teaching English to non-native speakers. Here’s what we found:
One of the biggest challenges for students is grammar. Grammar is often a struggle for students learning any language. It can be challenging for those learning English as a second language. English grammar has a lot of complicated rules and exceptions that can be hard for new students to understand.
We spoke to Catherine, one of the English language experts who teaches English to students in Korea, and she has found that grammar is a common issue for her students. She noted that many of her students had trouble grasping verb tenses, notably the past simple and past continuous. Additionally, they struggle with word order and employing the correct articles.
Another challenge is vocabulary. English has a vast vocabulary, with over 170,000 words in the Oxford English Dictionary. For students learning the language, it can be overwhelming to remember all these words and their meanings.
We spoke to Ansari, an English language expert who teaches English in Egypt and has found that vocabulary is a common issue for his students. ” “Many of my pupils have difficulty remembering new words, particularly abstract ones,” he stated. They struggle to remember new terms since it can be daunting for them to comprehend the context in which they are employed.
Cultural differences:
Cultural differences can also be a challenge. Learning a new language also entails becoming familiar with the culture of the speakers. This can be particularly challenging for students studying English as a second language if their culture differs considerably from that of English-speaking nations.
For example, one of the experts we spoke to, Elizabeth, teaches English in Spain and has found that cultural differences can be challenging for her students. She admitted that several regularly used idioms and expressions in English can be difficult for her students to understand. Additionally, they have difficulty comprehending social norms as well as customs that vary from their own.
Accent and pronunciation:
Accent and pronunciation can be an issue. Many second-language learners need help with the accent and pronunciation of the English language. English has many sounds that are difficult for non-native speakers to produce, and it can be challenging to learn the rhythm and stress patterns of the language.
Roger is one of the English language experts who teaches English in China and has found that accent and pronunciation are common issues for his students. Several of my pupils have trouble with the English vowel and the sound of the ‘th,’ he remarked. They also struggle with stress and rhythm, making them difficult to comprehend for native speakers.
Motivation is key:
Despite the challenges of learning English as a second language, it is still possible to be successful with the right motivation and dedication. Every expert we spoke with emphasised the importance of having a strong desire to learn the language.
One of the English language experts we spoke to, Tina, teaches English in Brazil and has found that motivation is a significant factor in her students’ success. Although confronting many challenges, she added that her students’ academic success was always attributed to their intense motivation to grow and learn. On the other hand, I have also had students who struggled to make progress. In many cases, it was because they lacked motivation. As a teacher, it is essential to identify the factors causing a lack of motivation and address them as much as possible. This might involve finding ways to make the material more engaging or relevant to the student, providing additional support or resources, or simply encouraging the student and showing them that they can succeed.”
Motivation is a critical factor in a student’s success. It can be a significant challenge for teachers to cultivate and maintain. When students are motivated, they are more likely to put in the effort and make progress in their studies. On the other hand, when students lack motivation, it can be challenging to progress and achieve their goals.
Teachers can play a crucial role in helping to foster motivation in their students by finding ways to make the material more engaging and relevant, providing additional support and resources, and encouraging students to believe in their abilities. Ultimately, the key to success combines hard work, dedication, and a strong sense of motivation.